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What are Tasks?

There is a unique category of item in Rapid called a Task. This is a special item used to track work within a company. All Rapid sites come packaged with a Tasks Table, and Task Item functionality.

Tasks can also be "Completed", unlike regular items. Completing an item means that it will cease to appear in most Tables and Views. You can learn more about Task items by visiting the link below.

There are two main methods of viewing your Rapid Tasks. The first method (using Explorer) will be explained in detail within this article. You can also read about an alternative method in the following article: Tasks as a Standalone Experience


Using Tasks via Explorer has several benefits:

  • Tasks are presented with a similar UI to the rest of the Rapid site.
  • Tasks can be viewed without navigating away to another web application
  • Your System Administrator can design task reports using PowerBI to help visually analyse bottlenecks, efficient workers, or other tasks-related data.

Tasks via Explorer

This is the other method of engaging with Tasks. The Tasks application is also interconnected with Rapid's other main applications: Explorer, Designer, and Workflow.

For example:

  • A list of all Tasks on a Rapid site can be viewed in Explorer.
  • The layout of Task Items can be customised via Designer.
  • Tasks can be automatically generated, assigned, or completed via Workflow.
  1. Go to the Sidebar of your Rapid site
  2. Press Tasks

A screenshot showing the location of the "Tasks" menu button in the Sidebar. The tasks menu button has an icon of a clipboard with a checkmark on it. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the button's location.

A screenshot that demonstrates an example Tasks Portal. The tasks portal has been populated with example data. In this table, the "Main" view is selected. The table contains seven columns, which are (from left to right): Title, Assigned To, Start Date, Due Date, Status, and Estimated Time.

Pictured: a Tasks Portal in Explorer, which has been populated with example task items.

Completing Tasks

As mentioned in the introduction of this article, Tasks are a unique type of item, in that they can be "Completed". This enables you to track all outstanding tasks, as well as the tasks you have completed.

Further Reading

The Tasks Portal behaves similarly to any other Rapid Table. Furthermore, each task behaves as a Rapid Item.